By being fully “at choice”—acting with a conscious intention—we can shape uncertainty into true opportunity.
The only thing constant in life is change, and how we choose to navigate these pivotal transformations can set our direction and perspective for years to come.
Together, we can:
- Face a known transition in life and explore what’s next.
- Ponder a change and get resonate as to which new path forward will be most fulfilling and achievable.
- Launch into a new career direction or redefine the concept of “work” altogether.
- Explore re-entering the work place after a time gap and awaken to what is possible.
- Adjust daily life to address something missing or out of balance.
Olerai Leadership successfully collaborates with many clients who are figuring out what their next chapter will look like. I love working with people who are open and curious to look within and ask, “So what do I really want?”
“We worked together to identify the experiences I valued most and come up with a concrete plan for entering my new home and life in ways that fed my soul. I have pretty good sense of who I am, but our talks led me to a much clearer understanding of the things I really wanted and what I hoped to achieve going forward.”
More from Lucy
Guest post on Barre3
How to Push Past any Plateau
Supporting the transition from Individual Contributors to Team Leaders in a fast-growing Event Services company. Training and coaching a cohort of newly-promoted Team Leads in the U.S. branches of a multinational organization.

Guest post on Basik Clinic
Sense Of Purpose
This year marks my nineteenth year as a full fledged grown-up doctor. One of the benefits of being a “mature” doctor is the ability to listen and evaluate patient’s medical issues in a new light. I had an “aha” moment this year when I started appreciating that when certain patients say they are depressed and want to consider medication or counseling, that what they are really trying to convey is they no longer had a sense of purpose in lives.

Balance in the Wild in Kenya
Our Premier Women’s Workshop in February of 2019 was a huge success. Planning Session II is in progress. Email to inquire about future dates.
- Gain clarity around what matters to you most (your values) while being reminded why these values are important to you
- Identify and conquer the inner critic voices that keep you small – holding you back from your greatness
- Take time to slow down to notice the space in between
- Connect with nature as a source of energy, healing, and resilience
- Experience camaraderie, support and deep connections with incredible women
- Deepen your compassion, vulnerability and strength
- Reconnect with your Leader Within
- (Re) awaken to YOU at your very best